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Thursday Night Meet-Ups

There's something for the Moms and for the kids. Thrive is THREE outreach network experiences that happen simultaneously on Thursday evenings. 
The moms meet Thrive!Moms (TMz): See our Mission link.  This a support group for unmarried moms, teens - 30s that provides life-help resources through social bonding, relevant workshops, counseling, study groups and life principle teachings and other relevant outlets, opportunities and resources that meet young unmarried mothers unique needs.
Thrive!Kids (TKz) are boys and girls of all ages that meet in designated classes according to their ages with structured curriculums that include lessons and teachings with morals and principles that apply to everyday life and often to their unique circumstances in single-family homes. We also offer playtime, snacks, crafts, art, music, and social bonding.
Thrive!Girls (TGz), for girls ages 10-13 yrs is a club for only girls and is unique to Thrive as it is offered to not only girls of single mothers but also girls from married households. This group focuses on self-worth, self-esteem, image, value, and more, not as defined by today's media but through moral standards and principles that seem to be fading from society. We hope to establish and install them in the hearts of our young ladies so that they have such a strong belief in their own personal self-worth and value that no matter what the images and videos and music of today tells them they will have a STRONG understanding of who they are. Be sure to check the monthly schedule for when these young ladies meet, it may be weekly or every other Thursday evening. The rest of the meet-ups are every Thursday evening unless otherwise stated.
While all of these groups share many things in common one key thing they all have in common is that they foster a family atmosphere and a sense of belonging.
Every Thursday night of the month is a different experience.  Included in Thursday night meetups are: Open Cirlce/411 (an opportunity to vent, share the good or the bad, ask for advice, receive encouragement,  or simply just listen to others); Topic Night - a specific topic is taught or discussed.  Sometimes this might be a series (relationships/parenting/etc); Social Night - these nights can include games, hanging out, movies, anything fun and they may also include OFF PREMISES SOCIALS where we meet at playgrounds, parks, member's home, ice cream shops, etc, be sure to check our calendar/Facebook, or email us (; MORE Thursday - a night to explore our feelings, beliefs, faith/bible, thoughts on why we're here, what life is about, share our pasts, ask questions/small group discussion...; 5th Thursday Nite Xpress - arts/crafts/creative activities; Workshops. We also have weekend events such as Eat.Pray.Love. events were we get together to hang out and enjoy a good meal and socialize--these usually involve some sort of interesting "twist" for the fun of it; Mom's Nite Out, Saturday Socials with the Kids; Road Trips (Zoo/Museums/Fireworks/Beach/etc); Bonfires; and much more. It's best to check our Facebook Page for what's happening each week or our calendar on our "This Month" link on this web site for details.
Thrive is NOT a program, it is a relationship, it is family, it is an opportunity of not going it alone, it is a chance to be understood and to offer understanding.  And like family you will have your mix of fruitcakes that you don't necessarily mesh with and don't want to sit next to at the Thanksgiving table, we "get" that too. We're real. We understand and we just make life work, we're moms, that's what we do. Join us.
It's comfortable...
Our goal is to provide a well-rounded, safe, comfortable, healthy and positive place where moms and children can meet (separately) and build one another up through friendships, life lessons, shared experience, other activities, workshops and teachings. You do not have to be a Christian or have any particular lifestyle or belief system to be a member of Thrive! You just have to be a mom, unmarried, teens through 30's with the desire to be the best You that you can be and the desire to want better and more out of life.  If you're tired of the way it's always been and you're truly ready to try a different way of doing things, why not give Thrive a try? We're saving you a seat.


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